God revealed to me that I wanted a baby more than I wanted Him. Has this ever been revealed to you?
Written by Dr. Cassandra Scott on June 16, 2021
Chapter 5 – Victory
Workbook – Pondering Questions
Textbook: Created2Produce – Your Turning Point to Destiny by By Dr. Cassandra Scott
Please read the Chapter first and then answer the questions. Post your answers below by the requested due date. Feel free to reply to comments posted by your BYB co-partners and share your thoughts.
God revealed to me that I wanted a baby more than I wanted Him. Has this ever been revealed to you?
Post thoughts you wish to share below. Then move to the next question in this lesson.
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Angie Young On March 1, 2022 at 2:38 pm
I was putting more attention on my relationships than on God. This was revealed to me during one of my prayer times with God. It was a true revelation and I had to shift with a quickness. I did not want anything more than God. WOW- It was a turning point for me and my life has been significantly changed.
Gloria Johnson On August 10, 2021 at 7:23 pm
4) God revealed to me that I wanted a baby more than I wanted Him. Has this ever been revealed to you?
• Yes – wanting a federal retirement
Carmen Hebert On July 18, 2021 at 2:33 pm
Yes. Because I have put myself in compromising positions just to see if it is what “I” want instead of allowing God to give me the “go ahead:.
Patricia Grimes Jones On July 18, 2021 at 10:43 am
God revealed to me that I wanted a baby more than I wanted Him. Has this ever been revealed to you? Yes, God revealed to me that I wanted a house, husband, and children more than I wanted him. The more I become knowledgeable of God’s word the more it becomes clear unto me that these things were idols. “and the children of Israel had carved a golding image while Moses was in the presence of God receiving the instruction of how they were supposed to live their life for Him as their God. (Exodus 20:3, Matthew 4:10, and Luke 4. “God the Father is teaching me how to remove the idols from my life”. Not put or make things are people my graven image because when I do that becomes my God’s scripture shows me that I must have any other god before me. It was strongly revealed unto me when things started to be taken away from me and I couldn’t understand because I was serving the Lord with my whole heart I taught.
Victoria Caldwell On July 15, 2021 at 10:27 am
Wanting anything more than God is definitely an idol. I’ve wanted a home more than anything. I’ve wanted financial freedom more than anything. But I am learning everyday to trust him by placing those things in his hands and talk to him about them as much as I need to in exchange to his priceless peace. The weight of them are too heavy for me. My desires throw me off course and it’s hard to get back on course. I do well some days & others days are more of a challenge.
Lisa Weatherspoon On July 6, 2021 at 9:19 am
Yes, it could definately be an idol because anything that takes away your time and focus from God can be considered an idol. It can cause stagmentation in your relationship and growth.
Lisa Weatherspoon On July 6, 2021 at 9:25 am
Sorry, first respond was for a different question. Didn’t know how to retract it. This is my response for this question. He may have tried to reveal it to me and I just didn’t hear, see, or accept it until now. Being in Birth Your Brillance and reading Creaded 2 Produce, it definately has been revealed.